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Composing a lease Contract

The Lease Contract must be filled out with precision as if anything is incorrect on the lease contract, it can be used against us in court.

What a Lease must have:

  1. Everyone above the age of 18 who will be living in the apartment must be listed as a resident on the lease.
    (Must have done an application and had a background and credit check done) 

Keep in mind, by doing this you protect the apartment complex. There are many advantages these include:

2. The Correct apartment address. 

3. Everyone that is listed on the lease contract (above the age of 18) must sign the lease contract. 

4. Dates On the Lease Contract  

Start Date: 

  • This should be the exact date the tenant is getting the keys. 

End Date: 

  • The end date should be 12 months after the start date but on the last day of that month.
    This date is extremely important and must be calculated correctly, whether it be a handmade contract or an electronic contract.