Payment of the initial move-in Fees
Move-in Packet
- How to do the Initial Charges for A Move-In
Once all the Initial move-in Charges have been added to the tenant transactions, the tenant must make the payment.
The video below will show you how to do the initial Charges for move-in.
*This should be done before any keys or parking permits are given to the Tenant*
Then after the tenant has made their payment(s) the keys and the welcome packet will be given.
Explain to the tenant what is inside the Move-In Packet, specifically the inventory and condition sheet.
Make it clear that from that moment on they have 3 business days to bring the inventory and condition sheet back to the office with any complaints or comments they have about their apartment.
If the office does not receive this document, it will be assumed that the tenant is satisfied with the unit.
Reminder that any work orders that are made from the time a tenant picks up their keys and a month from then are the Make Ready’s responsibility. Again we call this the Warranty Period